Saturday, August 26, 2006

Final Horse Show Weekend

This is the third and final installment of the horse show series from Summer 2006. We ended where we started, back at the Cayuga County Fairgrounds in Weedsport, NY. Saturday it lightly rained or poured all day. Sunday the weather was great, but the footing was slop from the day before. The conditions added to the debate over which was worse: showing in 95-degree heat and sun, or showing in 75-degree rain. The jury is still out. Braden came on Sunday and took some pictures, while simultaneously trying to stay away from the horses (to whom he is allergic, it turns out). Ariel and I had a pretty successful weekend, and showed improvement from the beginning of the summer. We wound up with reserve champion for the weekend in both of our divisions. And it turns out I can braid a pretty mean mane. (If you look closely at the first photo, I think you can see the 33 little braids... it only took me an hour and a half.)

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