Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Catch-Up

Happy Valentine's Day! Our present was a genuine snow day, thanks to the nor'easter that's currently in Syracuse. SU actually cancelled afternoon and evening classes, which is pretty rare. (Sure, we'd already decided not to go into work, but it's nice to know anyway.) We spent a nice day in the apartment reading and also taking Tsuki to play in the snowy park. (That might have been more for our enjoyment than hers... she's kind of a wuss when it comes to snow/cold.) What's a snow day without going outside to play?
Tsuki is not at all sure that she's a snow dog.
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Braden is considerably more excited about the snow than Tsuki is.
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Running hard (towards home)
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Running around in the park by our apartment.
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She hates us.
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She REALLY hates us for this. Stupid snow stuck in her paws... Posted by Picasa
I made some chocolate madeleines, our new very favorite cookie. They have chocolate and coffee and almonds and whiskey and kahlua. They stay tasty for days, with crispy edges and brownie-like centers. Plus you get to use those cute madeleine pans. They're much easier to make than they sound. Here's the recipe. Posted by Picasa
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Braden enjoys some birthday cannoli (he picked it) on Jan. 31. Happy 26th! Posted by Picasa
Smokin' ... Posted by Picasa